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Soil organic carbon storage changes in coastal wetlands of the modern Yellow River Delta from 2000 to 2009
14-04-09 | 编辑: | 【  】【打印】【关闭

    滨海湿地生态团队研究取得新进展,相关论文发表在Biogeosciences DiscussIF=3.587)上。该成果主要研究新生黄河三角洲湿地生态系统土壤有机碳储量变化情况,结果表明从2000年到2009年间,黄河三角洲新生滨海湿地总面积增加了10.59km2,而土壤有机碳总储量分别为3.97×106t3.98×106t。其中滩涂、灌丛湿地、农田和盐化区域等受人为活动影响严重的地区土壤有机碳储量变化较大。总体而言,黄河三角洲新生滨海湿地地区面积增加较大,而由于景观类型的改变使土壤有机碳储量增加较少,表面新生黄河三角洲湿地地区是一个潜在的碳汇,同时人为活动是影响土壤有机碳变化的主要因素。




      题目:Soil organic carbon storage changes in coastal wetlands of the modern Yellow River Delta from 2000 to 2009


      作者:J. Yu, Y. Wang, Y. Li, H. Dong, D. Zhou, G. Han, H. Wu, G. Wang, P. Mao, Y. Gao


      来源出版物:Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 1759–1779, 2012


      摘要:Soil carbon sequestration plays an essential role in mitigating CO2increases and the subsequently global greenhouse effect. The storages and dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) of 0–30 cm soil depth in different landscape types including beaches, reservoir and pond, reed wetland, forest wetland, bush wetland, farmland, building land, bare land (severe saline land) and salt field in the modern Yellow River Delta (YRD), were studied based on the data of the regional survey and laboratory analysis. The landscape types were classified by the interpretation of remote sensing images of 2000 and 2009, which was calibrated by field survey results. The results revealed an increase of 10.59 km2 in the modem YRD area from 2000 to 2009. The SOC density varied ranging from 0.73 kg m−2 to 21.60 kg m−2 at depth of 30 cm. There were ~3.97 × 106 t and 3.98 × 106 t SOC stored in the YRD in 2000 and 2009, respectively. The SOC storages changed greatly in beaches, bush wetland, farm land and salt field which were affected dominantly by anthropogenic activities. The area of the YRD increased greatly within 10 yr, however, the small increase of SOC storage in the region was observed due to landscape changes, indicating that the modern YRD was a potential carbon sink and anthropogenic activity was a key factor for SOC change.




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