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过杰:Characteristics of the Bohai Sea oil spill and its impact on the Bohai Sea ecosystem
14-04-09 | 【  】【打印】【关闭

    题目:Characteristics of  the Bohai Sea oil spill and its impact on the Bohai Sea ecosystem


    作者:Jie Guo, Xin  Liu, Qiang Xie


    期刊:Chinese Science Bulletin2012, DOI: 10.1007/s11434-012-5355-0


    摘要:In this paper, ENVISAT ASAR data and the Estuary, Coastal and Ocean Model was  used to analyze and compare characteristics of the Bohai Sea oil spill. The oil  slicks have spread from the point of the oil spill to the east and north-western  Bohai Sea. We make a comparison between the changes caused by the oil spill on  the chlorophyll concentration and the sea surface temperature using MODIS data,  which can be used to analyze the effect of the oil spill on the Bohai Sea  ecosystem. We found that the Bohai Sea oil spill caused abnormal chlorophyll  concentration distributions and red tide nearby area of oil spill.


    关键词:ENVISAT ASAR – MODIS – oil spill – chlorophyll – sea surface temperature


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