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2014.10.17 学术报告通知
14-10-15 | 【  】【打印】【关闭

报告人:Prof. Masahiro Nakaoka(日本北海道大学)
报告题目:Ecology of seagrass beds in Asian coastal areas
时间地点:10月17日(星期五)09:00  204会议室

报告人简介:Prof. Masahiro Nakaoka
Currently a director of Akkeshi Marine Station, Hokkaido University, graduated from University of Tokyo. He finished PhD course by studying population dynamics of marine bivalves using a combination of field census and population modelling. Since he visited University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the collaboration with Prof. Pete Peterson in 1994-95, he has become more interested in marine community ecology of coastal areas including rocky shores and seagrass beds. Recently, he has been studying various aspects of benthic ecology by collaboration with scientists in other disciplines, including molecular genetics, remote sensing and socio-economy. He has also been devoting his energy to establish long-term ecological research projects in coastal ecosystems in Japan and Asia by participating several domestic and international programs including Monitoring Sies 1000, JaLTER (Japan Long-term Ecological Research Network), GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiment) and ZEN (Zostera Experimental Network).


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